
Showing posts from July, 2021

Plug Me in and Turn Me Loose

    Carolyn and I are about to buy a 3-year-old Nissan Leaf. It’s a fully electric car. You just plug it into the wall to recharge it, and off you go for another hundred miles or so. (In theory.) This will work fine, since we only need it to go the gym, choir practice, grocery shopping, and get-togethers with friends within a close proximity. Any longer excursion will involve hopping into “Big Red” the RAV 4 Carolyn bought a few years back so she could sit up high and actually see the traffic around her. Prior to that, her navigation has largely involved head swiveling, teeth clenching, and what, I must say, is impeccable intuition. I should admit, up front, that I have never cared, one way or the other, about automobiles. I’m of the “I’m at point A, get me to point B, and then back to point A” school of car selection. I realize this confession could lose me my “real man” credentials and certainly cause me to be an outcast among the guys I grew up around. I have lifelo...